
Doctors seek kitchen knife ban
The nanny state keeps on truckin', via Bros. Judd:
Key points
• Doctors claim long kitchen knives serve no purpose except as weapons
• 55 out of 108 homicide victims in Scotland were stabbed last year
• Police superintendents say a ban would be difficult to enforce

Key quote
"Many assaults are impulsive, often triggered by alcohol or misuse of other drugs, and the long pointed kitchen knife is an easily available, potentially lethal weapon, particularly in the domestic setting" - Dr Emma Hern, writing in British Medical Journal

Story: Pointed kitchen knives should be banned as part of a concerted effort to reduce the terrible injuries and deaths caused by stabbing attacks, doctors warned today.

Accident and emergency medics claim the knives serve no useful purpose in the kitchen but are proving deadly on the streets of Britain, with the doctors claiming the knives are used in as many as half of all stabbings. The doctors claimed they had consulted leading chefs who said the knives were not needed for cooking - a claim disputed by chefs contacted by The Scotsman....
Maybe they should start by removing all the knives from the hospitals.
Maybe this should go under WOT backgrounds. These idiots scare me.

European idiots generally stay on page 3 unless they do something particularly stupid :-)

I like Orrin Judd's comment: By 2010 they'll be buttering their toast with tongue depressors...

Posted by: anonymous2u 2005-05-27