
I got some good laughs out of these video's...... you might also ?

Video #1 : Short news report on "Prophet Yahweh" aka Ramon Watkins calling down UFO'.

Here's the site .

I like video LA5, doesn't it look so so so um colorful. And then came along this picture.

Here's his offical site . "I felt compelled to go outside, with my students, and ask YAHWEH, in the exact same manner prophets in the bible summoned sightings, to send a UFO for us to see."

Prophet Yahweh to call UFOs over Las Vegas

"For only 45 days, starting June 1st until July 15, 2005, Prophet Yahweh, Seer of Yahweh, will be calling down UFOs and spaceships for the news media to film and photograph. During this time, a spaceship will descend, on Prophet's signal, and sit in the skies over Las Vegas, Nevada for almost two days."
Posted by: Spavirt Pheng6042 2005-06-01