
U.S. condemns Kassir assassination
The U.S. stepped up its criticism of Syria following Samir Kassir's murder and called for the UN to expand its investigation into the slaying of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, which is under way in Beirut, to include the Kassir murder.

White House press secretary Scott McClellan said: "We strongly condemn the brutal assassination of Mr Kassir." He added: "This heinous act was clearly an attempt to intimidate the Lebanese people and undermine their efforts to build a free and democratic future. I think it reflects an environment of political repression created by Syria's long military and intelligence presence inside Lebanon." He said the United States continues to call for the full implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1559, which calls for Syria to withdraw all its intelligence operatives from Lebanon in addition to the military forces.

President Emile Lahoud met with the head of the UN investigative team, Detlev Mehlis, and also asked the team to widen its probe to include the Kassir murder. But diplomatic sources said such a measure was not possible unless Lebanon presents an official request to UN chief Kofi Annan, who must then submit the request to the Security Council for approval. Satellite network Al-Arabiyya, where Kassir's widow Giselle Khoury works, said last night she was insistent on French participation in the investigation into her husband's death. Kassir held French nationality as well as Lebanese.

In a statement, Lebanon's Maronite League said that Kassir's murder was "an attempt to silence the voice of freedom and democracy." It urged the government to exert all possible efforts to preserve national security. Opposition MP Nayla Mouawad said Kassir's death was "a great loss ... and a strike to the freedom of expression." After a meeting with Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Butros Sfeir, Mouawad condemned the murder and said the Lebanese-Syrian intelligence services were responsible.
Posted by: Fred 2005-06-03