
CAIR Offering Free Qur'an Copies to Americans
Barbara Ferguson, Arab News
Following accusations of mistreatment of the Qur'an in the Guantanamo prison in Cuba, and recognition of widespread ignorance about Islam's holy book by many Americans; CAIR, the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, has responded by offering free Qur'ans. More than 6,000 Americans have already requested the free copies of Islam's holy book since CAIR launched the "Explore the Qur'an" campaign on May 17. "Calls are coming into our headquarters at the rate of three-to-five calls-per-minute since publication about the campaign in USA Today and the Wall Street Journal newspapers," said Nihad Awad, executive director of CAIR.

CAIR's telephone message mailbox becomes completely filled "at least once an hour, which reflects a desire by ordinary Americans to better understand Islam and Muslims," Awad said, adding that many are calling to congratulate them on their initiative. "This fact about American society needs to be told in the Muslim world. People here respect the Qur'an and would like to learn about it, and the acts of a few should not obscure the reality of the general Americans society — which is good, tolerant and accepting of others," he said. Those who have requested free Qur'ans include a police officer who works with the Muslim community, Christian religious leaders who wish to explain Islam to their congregations and Americans of all faiths who just wish to learn more about Islam's revealed text, he said.
I'm just guessing here, but judging by the content of today's Green Truth, it looks like the beginning of a new propaganda offensive by the Learned Elders of Islam. I'm wondering if something's happened that we haven't noticed that makes them think they've got the upper hand in the WoT, or if the jihad party's coming out on top in the behind-the-scenes minueting. Keep an eye out for princes departing this vale of tears in unfortunate accidents in the coming weeks...

Posted by: Fred 2005-06-04