
Filipino Muslim Leader Warns of Violence in ARMM Polls
Al Jacinto, Arab News
Former rebel leader-turned-politician Muslimen Sema yesterday warned that the August elections in the five-province Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao could be bloody again because of the proliferation of illegal weapons in the hands of political warlords and supporters. "Unless the authorities seize all these weapons, I see the elections to be very bloody," said Sema, a senior leader of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and now mayor of Cotabato City.

Sema said thousands of illegal weapons are believed in the hands of mostly politicians in the autonomous region that comprises the provinces of Maguindanao, Lanao, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi and Basilan plus the cities of Cotabato and Marawi. Aside from political warlords, many illegal weapons also found their way into the hands of rebel groups, gun syndicates and lawless elements, Sema said. "This scenario is very scary; there are tens of thousands of illegal weapons out there and the government must act swiftly to prevent hostilities before and during elections in the Muslim autonomous region," he said.

Sema suggested the postponement of the polls until the authorities could guarantee a peaceful and honest elections. Aside from Sema, the MNLF under Hatimil Hassan, also called on President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to scrap the elections because of security concerns.
Let a Mooselimb get close to an election and you can just about guarantee he wants to scrap it.

Posted by: Fred 2005-06-04