
Biden: Shut down Guantanamo
A leading Senate Democrat has said the United States needs to move toward shutting down the military prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. "This has become the greatest propaganda tool that exists for recruiting of terrorists around the world. And it is unnecessary to be in that position," said Senator Joseph Biden, a Delaware Democrat. Biden, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, proposed that an independent commission take a look at Guantanamo and make recommendations. "But the end result is, I think we should end up shutting it down, moving those prisoners," he told ABC's "This Week" television programme.

A Pentagon report released Friday detailed incidents in which US guards at Guantanamo desecrated the Quran. Last month, Amnesty International called the detention center for alleged terrorists "the gulag of our time," ...
... thus providing the Dems with a little political cover for stunts like what Joe is doing now ...
... a charge Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld dismissed as "reprehensible". The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Republican Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, plans hearings this month on the treatment of foreign terrorism suspects at the prison camp.

Posted by: Fred 2005-06-06