
Close Gitmo and move it to Delaware, says Biden
Shut down Gitmo, top Democrat urges U.S.
WASHINGTON -- A leading Senate asshatDemocrat said Sunday that the United States should shut down the military prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
"We need good jobs in Delaware for prison guards and lawyers. We could unionize them too and get some good Democrats along with their money", added Biden, a known plagiarizer.
"This has become the greatest propaganda tool that exists for recruiting of terrorists around the world," Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., said Sunday on ABC's "This Week"with Democratic Party talking points"
"The second best method is showing them close-ups of my hair", added the Senator.
"More Americans are in jeopardy as a consequence of the perception that exists worldwide with its existence," said Biden, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Of course, the fact that the MSM and Democratic party has been undermining our national resolve to persecute this war to victory and have brayed to the world about how eeeevil the US is, they would us.
Biden also proposed an independent commission to investigate abuses at the prison camp.
"Jamie Gorelick is available"

Posted by: Brett 2005-06-07