
Leahy certain Syria was behind Hariri's death
A senior U.S. senator said on Monday he had no doubt Syria was behind the assassination of the former Lebanese prime minister, Rafik al-Hariri, according to intelligence he had seen. Sen. Patrick Leahy, a Vermont Democrat, made the comments to reporters after meeting U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on a variety of issues and offering him support. "I have seen enough of the evidence on Hariri to know that they (Syrians) were behind it," Leahy said without elaborating. "I don't think there is a single person in Lebanon and probably no one in Syria who doesn't believe they were behind it. There is no question -- no question in my mind -- that they were behind the assassination." Syria has denied involvement in the killing.
Brilliant. I kind of had this little teeny, tiny suspicion of Syrian involvement when he and Jumblatt were warned of anticipated assassination attempts prior to the boom.

Posted by: Fred 2005-06-07