
Field day for Indon propaganda
Indons condemn security hoax From correspondents in Jakarta June 7, 2005

INDONESIA today condemned as a "terror threat" the second security hoax at its embassy in Canberra in a week, amid growing resentment towards its neighbour's obsession with a young Australian woman jailed in Bali on drugs charges.

The propaganda boon of an envelope of white powder sent to the embassy was accompanied by an abusive letter WRITTEN IN INDONESIAN

Foreign Minister Hassan Wirayuda said the incident was "part of a wave of threat of terror" against Indonesia.

Also, websites supporting Schapelle Corby such as banbali.com were subjected to repeated hack attacks and porn postings. The servers were traced back to Indonesia. That story didn't make the news though it appeared on the newswires last monday.

Many of Corby's supporters, who back her claim that she was the victim of an international smuggling syndicate, have threatened to boycott Bali as a holiday destination and have demanded the return of aid for Indonesian tsunami victims.

And rightly so, this was a miscarriage of justice by a tinpot 3rd world court that was overtly biased. They didn't even have a translator in court for her final plea so the judges sat there looking at her without understanding a word she said. It was a sham trial. There was not enough evidence to convict her in an Aussie court. She wanted the bag fingerprinted: they refused. She wanted the pot analysed by Australian police drug experts to track where it came from: they refused. She underwent drug tests: all negative. She asked for CCTV security camera footage: there wasn't any.
Posted by: anon1 2005-06-07