
Los Alamos Whistleblower Beat up at Cheeks!
There's one version of the story at the above link, here's another:SANTA FE, N.M., June 7 (UPI) -- A whistle-blower at the Los Alamos National Laboratory was reportedly severely beaten in the parking lot of a Santa Fe, N.M., topless bar.
Gee, that's never happened before
Tommy Ray Hook, who had boot marks on his face, told his wife about the incident, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported Tuesday. The wife said someone identifying himself as an Los Alamos auditor called her husband and arranged to meet him at the bar.
"Honey, a guy from work called. Something important he needs to talk to me about, I'll be back later"
But the auditor did not show up for the meeting last Friday, the report said.
I'm sure he waited at the bar, watching the titties bounce, checking his watch, between beers.
Hook later went to his car where four to six assailants attacked him, the wife said.
Hook's wife, Susan, alleged the assailants told her husband during the attack: "If you know what's good for you, you'll keep your mouth shut." Of course, in a alternative universe, he may have been oggling the wrong girls titties and offended her boyfriend.
They fled, leaving him injured. He was taken to a hospital by police. His wallet was untouched, the report said.
Which would fit either version of the story
The University of California, which operates the laboratory, denounced the attack. Hook had been preparing for a congressional investigation later this month. He is known at the nuclear-weapons lab for taking strong stands against fraud and abuse, and has a lawsuit pending against the University of California, the report said.
If he was testifying against the Teamsters I might buy his story. Somehow, I don't see university lab managers as the leg breaking kind.

Posted by: RPG 2005-06-07