
Rumors of Schroeder's resignation flying
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder dismissed a report today that his party had discussed plans for him to resign rather than press ahead with the tricky task of calling an early election.
There seems to be an internal power fight going on inside the SPD to replace Schroeder with party boss Muentefering, because Merkel's approval numbers have risen "shockingly".
That would be bad news because anticipated elections would be scrapped and we'd be stuck with a real socialist who just called American investors "locusts".
Of course the SPD denies all that but it's a real threat. Since Schroeder has no chance at all to win against Merkel, the SPD might go for another year desperately trying to turn the tide with a leftist government.
The German president Koehler hasn't decided yet whether he will approve Schroeder's attempt to fake a non confidence vote in order to dissolve the Bundestag (currently the only way to achieve that).

Posted by: True German Ally 2005-06-07