
Al-Qaeda sez it's holding 36 Iraqi troops prisoner, wants babes sprung
Al Qaeda's group in Iraq said on Thursday it was holding 36 Iraqi troops hostage and demanded the government free all women prisoners within 24 hours, according to a Web statement.

"We in the Al Qaeda Organisation for Holy War in Iraq give ... (Prime Minister) Ibrahim al-Jaafari 24 hours to free all Muslim women prisoners held in Interior Ministry jails," said the statement posted on an Islamist Website.

The statement said the group was holding 36 National Guards after raids in Western Iraq, and not 22 as reported by Iraqi police on Wednesday.

The Sunni Muslim group, which has often abducted and killed officials and soldiers, said the 36 were being questioned about their "crimes against Sunnis".

The statement was signed off with a name which usually accompanies the group's statements, but could not be immediately authenticated.

Iraqi police said 22 soldiers were kidnapped by gunmen after they left their base in western Iraq on Tuesday.

Violence and kidnappings have raised concerns that growing sectarian tensions between Shi'ites and Sunnis could push Iraq towards civil war.

Insurgents have stepped up attacks since a new Iraqi government was formed in late April, killing more than 800 police, soldiers, officials and civilians.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-06-09