
'Eta' blast at Zaragoza airport
An explosion near the airport in Zaragoza, Spain, is thought to be the work of the Basque militants Eta. A warning telephone call was made to the Basque newspaper Gara - which is often contacted before Eta attacks. The airport authorities say the terminal was evacuated before the blast and there are no reports of injuries.
The Spanish government has drawn some criticism for saying it is ready to hold peace talks with Eta if the group lays down its weapons. The Gara newspaper reports that a call to its offices, and roadside assistance firm DYA, warned that a mortar attack on the airport was planned for between 1200 and 1400 local time. The explosion occurred at 1201 (1101 BST). The last attack claimed by Eta was a car bomb that exploded in Madrid, injuring three people on 25 May.
On Sunday, at least 250,000 people demonstrated in the Spanish capital against the government plans to negotiate with the militant separatists. Some of the demonstrators carried banners reading "Negotiations - not in my name".
But Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero told the Senate this week that "if there is any chance that Eta is willing to abandon arms and end violence forever, of course the government will hold talks in search of peace, which is what the great majority of Spaniards want".
He added that peace would be "the best tribute we could give to the victims of terrorism". Mr Zapatero also reminded the Senate that 178 Eta suspects had been jailed since the Socialists took over from the conservative Popular Party government in March last year.
More than 800 people have been killed during Eta's 40-year campaign for an independent Basque state.
Posted by: Steve 2005-06-10