
Man Arrested For Threatening To Blow Up A School
Tasmanian schools and childcare centres have been sent details and a photograph of a man police say have threatened to blow up a school. Police say the threats did not specify any particular school. Deputy Commissioner Jack Johnston says a Hobart magistrate yesterday granted an interim restraint order against the man, banning him from going near schools or childcare centres. He later appeared in an out of hours court session and has been remanded in custody to reappear in court next week.

Deputy Commissioner Johnston says police were told the man has made a number of threats to blow up a school, and that after investigations there were genuine concerns he may be able to carry them out. "Tasmania Police informed the Education Department and independent schools that we had some considerable concern regarding the person," he said. "As a result of that I understand they have communicated with their schools to provide them with advice regarding the identity of the person and seeking their cooperation to report instances should he be in attendance in, or near those premises."

Education Minister Paula Wreidt says police acted quickly and appropriately. Ms Wreidt says every possible step is being taken to ensure students' safety. "The individual concerned still remains in custody as I understand it and certainly the safety of children in our schools is paramount," she said. "We will always do everything in our power to ensure the safety of our students and I believe we have taken every appropriate step that we possible can and that parents should feel confident that they can send their children to school next week."
Posted by: Spavirt Pheng6042 2005-06-11