
Bomber dressed as officer kills eight
A SUICIDE bomber wearing the uniform of Iraq's high-profile Wolf Brigade police force killed eight officers and wounded many others at the commando unit's Baghdad headquarters today, police at the scene said.

Police officials put the total number of dead and injured at close to 20. The bomber, who officers said also carried police identity documents, entered the barracks with other members of the unit reporting for work in the morning.
Body parts littered the barracks area, close to the Interior Ministry and police academy, which houses the Wolf Brigade, a military-style force of several hundred mainly drawn from the capital's Shiite poor.

Promoted on television by a charismatic founder, the Brigade has denied accusations it has killed Sunni Muslims, including clerics, from the minority which ran Iraq under Saddam Hussein.

Iraqi security forces have been prime targets for mostly Sunni insurgents hitting back at US occupying troops and the Shiite-led government their presence has ensured.

It is by no means the first time a bomber has used a uniform to infiltrate heavily guarded compounds. In December, in one of the bloodiest such incidents, a bomber from the Ansar al-Sunna guerrilla group blew himself up in the mess tent of a major US military base at Mosul in the north, killing 22 people.
Posted by: Spavirt Pheng6042 2005-06-11