
Kingdom Free of Banned Nuke Activities
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has confirmed that Saudi Arabia does not possess any nuclear facilities or fissionable material and does not engage in any prohibited nuclear activities. "We don't have any information proving Saudi Arabia has any prohibited nuclear fissionable material," Okaz daily yesterday quoted IAEA spokesman Mark Gwozedecky as saying.
That's what Pakistan is for, the Saudi's outsourced the program.

He also said that Saudi Arabia was a leading IAEA member who supported the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

Meanwhile, Saudi ambassador to Vienna and its permanent representative to IAEA, Omar Kurdi, said the Kingdom was ready to sign the Small Quantities Protocol (SQP) of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Gwozedecky said the Saudi government's decision to sign SQP and the safeguards agreement during the current meeting of IAEA governors in Vienna was a significant move. "This again confirms the Kingdom's commitment to international charters and the peaceful use of nuclear energy," he told the Arabic daily.
"Cuz there ain't nothing more peaceful than a bunch of dead infidels"

Posted by: Fred 2005-06-15