
Egypt, Israel agree in principle on Gaza deployment
JERUSALEM - Israel and Egypt have agreed in principle to deploy Egyptian soldiers on the Gaza border in the framework of Israel's pullout from the Palestinian territory this summer, an Israeli official said on Wednesday. "Israel and Egypt have agreed in principle that an Egyptian force would deploy along the border with Gaza, but a certain number of details still need to be ironed out," said the senior official.

"Israel agreed for Egypt and the Palestinian Authority to control the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt in the future, but on condition that they prove their efficiency in the fight against arms smuggling," he added.
The Paleos will interpret 'efficiency' as digging a double-wide tunnel.
The source said Israel would sanction the deployment of only 750 Egyptian guards because a larger build-up would have to modify the 1979 Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty that declares the entire Sinai peninsula a demilitarised zone.

Israel would leave Gaza but initially keep forces in the so-called Philadelphi corridor between the Palestinian territory and Egypt, paving the way for joint Egyptian-Israeli control of the border, the official said. The Israeli ambassador to Egypt, Shalom Cohen, had said talks were focusing on a 750-strong contingent to man the 15-kilometre (10-mile) long corridor.
Posted by: Steve White 2005-06-16