
Belgium unable to monitor criminals' email until 2007
Belgian police will not be able to start intercepting emails between criminals until 2007, Justice Minister Laurette Onkelinx said.

It is technically possible for police to intercept internet traffic now, but police will not be properly equipped until the end of 2006 at the earliest. The aim is for police to monitor internet traffic, email messages and chat-room messages. Currently, mobile phones are the prime target of police bugging.

However, Socialist PS minister Onkelinx has also told a parliamentary committee that legislation needs to be adjusted before police can monitor internet traffic, newspaper 'De Standaard' reported on Wednesday..

Christian Democrat CD&V MP Tony van Parys was critical of the timeframe, claiming it gave a safeguard to criminals who can continue to use the internet's communication capabilities without fear.

The former justice minister also questioned the fact Flemish judges more often order the use of bugging equipment compared with Wallonian judges.

The tactics not only record conversations, but also register incoming and outgoing numbers and track the locations of mobile phones.

Van Parys cited figures indicating that bugging operations cost taxpayers EUR 17.7 million in 2003. He said the breakdown in costs show justice officials use bugging tactics much more often than Wallonian officials.

I.e. the Dutch/Germanic judges are a lot more on the ball than the French ones
Posted by: too true 2005-06-22