
Joumblatt warns Iraqi Kurd parties against US plots
Head of the Lebanese Socialist Progressive Party Walid Jumblatt warned Iraqi Kurd parties against 'falling into the trap of US plots in the region'.
"I hereby send my message to the leaders of the Iraqi opposition Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Jalal Talabani, and Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Massoud Barzani and warn them against US plots to divide the (ME) region and stress the United States will never support any country," Joumblatt said in a meeting with Lebanese Kurdish parties and associations. "The United States intends to destroy all Arab parties, nationalists and Islamic movements which pose threat to the Zionist regime," he stressed.
Just those which pose a threat to us.
"If the US [has] success in its mission in Iraq, it would go after Syria and Lebanon in the future," he claimed.
If you don't clean up your act, yes, we will.
Posted by: Steve 2003-04-01