
A Kurd official talks of formation of PUI
A Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) official pointed out here on Tuesday that the patriotic union of Iraq (PUI) is being formed by Iraqi military forces opposed to the Baghdad regime. The PUK member, who wanted not to be named, told IRNA that the PUI will soon launch its attacks against Baghdad along with the American and British troops. According to him, a few senior officers from the Iraqi army are also members of the PUI. He did not refer to the headquarters of the union, but informed sources believe that it is mainly based in northern Iraq and the areas controlled by (Jalal) Talabani of the PUK forces. Four senior officers from the Iraqi army, who had surrendered to the PUK, are staying at the Palace Hotel in Suleymaniyah, where foreign reporters usually stay.
Working a little deal with them, are they? A PUI isn't a bad idea, I guess. Wonder what Barzani and the KDP have to say about it, though. And the INC — which has so far shown itself to be about as effectual as the EU...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-01