
Saddam: "I’m not dead! I’m getting better!"
Associated press Tuesday, April 01, 2003

BAGHDAD, Iraq — The Iraqi information minister, reading a statement he said was from Saddam Hussein, called Tuesday for a jihad, or holy war, against the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

Don't they ever not call for jihad?

"The aggression that the aggressors are carrying out against the stronghold of faith is an aggression
That's why they call 'em "aggressors," sport; 'cause they're aggressive, y'know!
on the religion, the wealth, the honor and the soul and an aggression on the land of Islam," Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf said on national television.

"Therefore, jihad is a duty in confronting them," he added, saying "those who are martyred will die a meaningless, empty, futile, militarily insignificant death in the service of a lost cause be rewarded in heaven. Seize the opportunity, my brothers."

The statement was issued as U.S. forces were reported within 50 miles of Baghdad and as B-52 bombers were pounding Republican Guard positions north of Karbala.

The B-52s "Greatest Hits" collection is in heavy rotation on Armed Forces Radio.

Saddam has delivered two prerecorded televised addresses since the war began March 20. It was unclear why the Iraqi leader did not appear Tuesday.

"Oooh! Oooh! Mister Kotter! Call on me! I know why!"
"Okay, Horshak, why?"
"Uh, 'cause he's already dead."

"Strike at them, fight them," the statement said. "They are aggressors, evil, accursed by God. You shall be victorious and they shall be vanquished.

Keep charging across no man's land through a hail of artillery and machine guns! One of you'll get through eventually! Remember Paaschendale!

"Fight them everywhere the way you are ineffectively fighting them today," it said. "And don't give them a chance to catch their breath until they declare it and withdraw from the lands of the Muslims, defeated and cursed in this life and the afterlife."

Posted by: Mike 2003-04-01