
Major battle near Baghdad
Coalition forces were engaged in a “major battle” with Iraq’s elite Republican Guard in the town of Karbala, about 60 miles southwest of Baghdad, a U.S. military official at Central Command headquarters said Wednesday. The comments came after intense overnight bombing in the area, where where the Medina Division of the Republican Guard — possibly augmented by other, repositioned units of Saddam’s best trained and best equipped troops — was defending the approach to the capital against U.S. infantry. Some military officials hinted that this was the beginning of a major ground offensive against Baghdad.
Lets pray for these guys. We're light on the ground withouth the 4th.
“THIS IS THE big battle,” said the U.S. military official at forward headquarters in Qatar. Asked if the fighting represented a much anticipated new push toward the Iraqi capital, the official said: “It well could be.”

FOLLOWUP: From FoxNews teevee...
FoxNews reports that 3ID is engaging Medina RG Division, and the 1st MEF are engaging the Baghdad RG Division at al-Kut.
Posted by: JAB 2003-04-01