
Brothers receive prison terms for murdering sister
The Criminal Court has sentenced two brothers to lengthy prison terms after convicting them of murdering their 23-year-old pregnant sibling. The two brothers, ages 30 and 32, were given jail terms of seven-and-a-half and 10 years respectively for murdering their married sister at the family home in April 2004. The attack also caused the death of the woman's four-month-old foetus. The court originally handed down the death penalty, which was immediately commuted after the family dropped the charges.
Criminal prosecutions in primitive countries are more similar to tort cases in the developed world. Until the cases become "State vs. Mahmoud" rather than "Mahmoud vs. Ahmed" the legal system will remain laughable where it's not pathetic.
Court transcripts said the victim began an affair with an Egyptian national six months before her death, which led to her becoming pregnant. After receiving her father's blessing, the victim married the man and the two went to live in Egypt. The victim's father visited his daughter shortly after she left Jordan, the court said. However, according to court transcripts, the two defendants insisted on killing their sister to cleanse the family's honour and began plotting to lure her back to the Kingdom.
"Aaaarrr! Bumped bellies with him, did she? And he's not even a close relative! She must be killed!"
On April 19, the victim returned to the Kingdom on her own to complete some papers related to her marriage and called the defendants to inform them she was in town, the court said. The two defendants then lured their sister to the family home where they slit her throat and stabbed her over 20 times with a kitchen knife, according to court transcripts. The two defendants then headed to the nearest police station and turned themselves in claiming to “have killed their sister to cleanse their honour.”
I notice they didn't try to kill her hubby to cleanse their honor. Packed a rod, did he? Or was he just big enough to put up a fight?

Posted by: Fred 2005-07-08