
Mosques attacked in Philippines
Three mosques in the south Philippines city of Davao have been hit by a series of attacks, just hours after a deadly bombing killed 16 people. The mosque attacks prompted fears of a spiral of religious violence in the mainly Christian city. Military vice-chief of staff Lieutenant General Rodolfo Garcia said the mosque attacks might be "a retaliatory action" for the bombing, but added that this should not be allowed to become a "religious confrontation".
Too late
The initial bombing, at the city's bustling Sasa wharf at dusk on Wednesday, killed 16 people and injured at least 40. The bomb was hidden in a barbecue stand and tore through the crowds leaving a ferry terminal. A nun and at least one child were among the dead. The bomb was followed by attacks in Muslim or mixed districts of the city. At about 0200 on Thursday local time (1800 GMT on Wednesday), five hooded men in a car hurled two grenades and directed rifle fire at a mosque in the southern, mainly Muslim district of Tibungco before fleeing. Minutes later, a bomb exploded outside a mosque in the mixed Christian-Muslim district of Toril. Less than an hour later, unidentified men in black jackets hurled a home-made bomb near a mosque in the mainly Muslim district on Roxas Boulevard, shattering the mosque's windows. There were no reports of casualties. No group has claimed responsibility for any of the attacks, and police would not comment on any link between them.
Not good, the last thing they need is Christian attacks on Muslims who may not have anything to do with the violence. It can only create more support for the rebels.

I think this is something that the Islamists have been trying to work up to. If the Christian majority fights back, then they can push the "us versus them" angle and go for an independent Islamic state that just happens to control the Philippines' most productive oil region. (Do you ever wonder why everywhere there's oil, there are always a lot of Muslims agitating for "autonomy"?)

They could also end up with an indignant Christian majority, pushed over the edge, stringing up as many Muslims (of all stripes) as they can lay hands on and Islam being eventually pushed out of the country. But the Islamists don't think that'll happen — they don't regard the Christians as ruthless enough. Nobody's run an auto-da-fè for quite a few years...

Posted by: Steve 2003-04-03