
Kerry calls for Regime Change in U.S.
Edited for brevity
Senator John F. Kerry (D-Masshole) said yesterday that President Bush committed a ''breach of trust'' in the eyes of many United Nations members by going to war with Iraq, creating a diplomatic chasm that will not be bridged as long as Bush remains in office.
Rather than ask the UN to wake the f&*k up - we should change to accomodate the Libyas, Syrias, NKoreas, French, etc...
''What we need now is not just a regime change in Saddam Hussein and Iraq, but we need a regime change in the United States,'' Kerry said in a speech at the Peterborough Town Library. Despite pledging two weeks ago to cool his criticism of the administration once war began, Kerry unleashed a barrage of criticism as US troops fought within 25 miles of Baghdad.
Thanks John, for all your support
By echoing the ''regime change'' line popular with hundreds of thousands of antiwar protesters who have demonstrated across the nation in recent weeks, the Massachusetts senator and Democratic presidential pretender contender seemed to be reaching out to a newly invigorated constituency as rival Howard Dean, the former governor of Vermont and a vocal opponent of the war in Iraq, closes in on Kerry in opinion polls.
That's the mark of a statesman, first bad poll, and you stab your country, troops, president, and 70%+ of the public in the back...what happened? Theresa remove your spine?
Kerry said that he had received his instructions from spoken with foreign diplomats and several world leaders as recently as Monday while fund-raising in New York and that they told him they felt betrayed when Bush resorted to war in Iraq before they believed diplomacy had run its course. He said the leaders, whom he did not identify, believed that Bush wanted to ''end-run around the UN.''
no comment necessary - it's dumb enough on it's face value
''I don't think they're going to trust this president, no matter what,'' Kerry said. ''I believe it deeply, that it will take a new president of the United States, declaring a new day for our relationship with the world, to clear the air and turn a new page on American history.'' With a dig at Bush's previous lack of foreign policy experience, Kerry said he would usher in a new US foreign policy if he stood before the United Nations as president.
Uh, John, it's the U.S. oath of office you take as president, not the U.N. and attending european prep schools doesn't qualify as foreign policy experience
''I believe we can have a golden age of American diplomacy,'' he said, outlining his own foreign policy credentials in the speech. ''But it will take a new president who is prepared to lead, and who has, frankly, a little more experience than visiting the sum total of two countries'' before taking office.
Nice to see the loyal opposition takes their "politics ends at the waters' edge" promises seriously
Posted by: Frank G 2003-04-03