
Kuwaitis party!
BBC :: Kuwait City :: Ryan Dilley :: 1704GMT
A large crowd, approximately more than 2,000 people, has gathered in Kuwait City to show support for the US-led invasion of neighbouring Iraq. Kuwaitis have been stung by criticism in newspapers across the Middle East that to back the war is an act of liberation treachery against their fellow Arabs. Despite the seriousness of the issue, the demonstration soon took on a party atmosphere with music and dancing.
Hoo hah the witch is dead!
Thursday is the start of the weekend in Kuwait. Some of those attending said they were letting off steam after the tensions of the past weeks. There have been no Iraqi missiles fired towards the city for several days and local people are beginning to feel that the danger has passed.
Well at least this part of the arab street has spoken. Of course they dont count, being Kuwaitis.
Posted by: liberalhawk 2003-04-03