
Iraqi opposition council session held in Dukan
The members of Iraqi Opposition Council held a session in Dukan in Iraq's Sulaimaniya province on Wednesday to discuss the developments in Iraq. Seyed Mohsen Hakim, a person close to the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) told IRNA reporter that the session debated such issues as the current and future situation of Iraq, the political and military strategies in Iraq and the ways of activation of the council of the Iraqi opposition. He added that the management of the urban areas and the interim government in the post-Saddam era were also among the major topics discussed by the session participants.

Iraqi opposition opened a two-day meeting in Salahaddin, Arbil, on February 26 to discuss coordination for a transitional administration to replace the Iraqi government. The meeting focussed on the composition of a top political committee to undertake administration of the country for a transitional period until the general elections to establish a legitimate government, organizers said. Opposition groups said that the high committee will consist of seven members, four Shias and three Sunnis and the latter will include two representatives from the Kurdish population and one from the Arab. Representatives from Iran, the European Union, Britain, France, Syria, Turkey, the United States and China also attended the meeting.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-03