
Binny co-foundered the madrassa attended by the London boomers
Apart from the Pakistani link, the report now suggests that Shehzad Tanweer was one of the four bombers who struck London on July 7. Shehzad Tanweer was taught terror tactics in Osama bin Laden's house, it was revealed yesterday. Tanweer, from Leeds, spent time at Markaz-e-Dawa, a notorious religious school in north Pakistan. Fellow bombers Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, and Hasib Hussain, 18, are also thought to have visited religious schools in Pakistan.

Aldgate bomber Tanweer paid his visit during a three-month stay ending in February. Pakistani authorities have quizzed his father's relatives in Faisalabad to trace his movements.

Bomber Hussain has also been to Pakistan last year. It is not known if he met Tanweer. A file on their movements will be passed to London and is seen as important in the hunt for any other militants planning possible suicide bomb attacks in Britain.

Tanweer arrived in Pakistan last December and stayed in Lahore, a hotbed of Islamic fundamentalism. He went to Markaz-e-Dawa, the religious school, or madrassa, co-founded by Al-Qaeda leader bin Laden and built on a 190-acre site at Muridke, 30 miles from Lahore. It contains a mosque, an iron foundry, a garment factory, a woodworking centre, three residences for recruits, and 30 schools. It is also said to house a computer centre. It turns out religious fanatics and preaches a message of hate against the West.

Bin Laden had a house there until he went on the run in the early 1990s. Intelligence experts believe in addition to teaching the Quran, the school runs a 21-day course covering assassinations and bomb-making training.

Major General Afsir Karim, writing in the Asian Journal on International Terrorism, said of Markaz-e-Dawa: "Thousands of people assemble there during recruitment rallies. The importance of jihad is drummed in and emotional speeches and rhetoric move people to tears and frenzied chanting.

"He alleges some students get specialised instruction in sabotage. It is reported in Pakistan that most of the world's terrorist leaders visit the school. Among those to stay was Ramzi Yousef who bombed the World Trade Center in 1993. Guards blocked the entrance road yesterday and turned away all strangers. Tanweer also visited Jamia Manzoorul Islamia, a madrassa in Lahore. It was also heavily guarded yesterday. Bearded men carrying AK-47s checked every person entering the school's mosque. One said 1,200 students studied religion at the school.

A nearby shopkeeper said dozens were "foreigners". A source confirmed: "It appears Tanweer spent some time at Markaz-e-Dawa and at another militant seminary in the city. "It is speculated in Pakistan that he may have fallen into the clutches of Jaish-i-Muhammad, or Army of Muslims, radical Islamists behind dozens of suicide attacks. It is banned in Pakistan, but sources said yesterday it operates under the cover of a madrassa.

The group also runs military training camps in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bosnia and was responsible for kidnapping British UN worker Annetta Flanigan at gunpoint in Kabul last October. She and two other UN workers were repeatedly threatened with beheading before being released unharmed after 27 days. Pakistan is likely to come under renewed pressure to crack down on seminaries, but such moves are sensitive, as previous attempts to curb their activities have sparked huge protests by religious zealots.

Meanwhile, an acquaintance of Edgware Road bomber, Khan yesterday claimed the former teacher had visited Afghanistan and Pakistan for military-style training. The man, who refused to be identified, told the BBC he regarded Khan as a "fruitcake" who often voiced anger over the effects of Western foreign policy in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan. Unaware of his death, he contacted police last weekend to tell them he believed Khan may be indoctrinating younger people.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-07-15