
Karbala falls in 3 hours
A major development during the Wednesday fighting was the fall of Karbala, that "truly amazed" even the US commanders and military commentators, since the allied forces had failed in their previous attempts to capture the holy city in which the tomb of the Third Infallible Imam of Shia Muslims, Imam Hussain (PBUH) is located. The city fell only 3 hours after the beginning of the coalition forces, save for the fact that the position of the Iraqi forces defending it were hit in heavy air raids throughout Tuesday night. The US war analysts argue that Karbala is not of military significance, but its fall is a significant step toward capturing Baghdad. as "Karbala sits in the way to capturing Baghdad," argued General Tommy Franks, which heavily reminds every Iranian combatant of the Iraqi imposed war of a similar saying, "The path towards freeing the Holy Qods passes thorough Karbala." Iraq's Information Minster Muhammad Said al-Sahhaf, said on Wednesday that the US forces' claims regarding the fall of Karbala and Najaf are baseless, arguing that fierce fighting is still going on outside those cities.
I sure hope the new government of Iraq doesn't have an "information minister."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-03