
Seattle Politician Allowed To Conceal Campaign Funds
The Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission yesterday unanimously granted a request yesterday by a socialist candidate for mayor to conceal the names of his campaign donors from public disclosure.
Chris Hoeppner, a member of the Socialist Workers Party, had sought the exemption, citing a U.S. Supreme Court ruling which found exemptions appropriate if donors to candidates with unpopular political views could reasonably fear harassment if their names were made public.
Though the office of Seattle mayor is nonpartisan, Jim Lobsenz, Hoeppner's attorney, presented evidence that supporters of candidates identifying themselves as socialists have been threatened and harassed in Seattle and across the country.
Though some commissioners expressed discomfort with the notion of hiding donors' identities, they noted the city had already lost a federal court case after the commission denied a similar request by a socialist candidate in 2003.
A friend once pulled a stunt on some leftist teachers, by getting special privileges because he was a "socialist" (in a high school election). Only after they had not only given him all sorts of advantages over his opponents, but personally touted the importance of what he was doing to the other students, did he declare himself a "national" socialist. He won the election, so the leftist teachers nullified the outcome, then just decreed that the "democratic" party had won, even though it was fifth in the vote tally.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2005-07-15