
Device speeds draft beer pour, cuts spills
CHICAGO, July 15 (UPI) -- Determined that what the world really needs is a three-second beer, innovative Matthew Younkle made his dream come true with TurboTap. Ten years after the inspiration struck as a college senior, Younkle, 31, is president and chief technology officer of TurboTap, a company marketing a finger-sized nozzle that attaches to standard beer faucets and pours draft beer at least twice as fast as traditional systems do, and with less spillage.
I'm thinking this is Nobel Prize material
The Chicago company has installed about 1,000 TurboTaps at bars, restaurants and ballparks -- including Chicago's two major-league baseball stadiums.
As an engineering student in college, Younkle concluded that gravity, not bartender incompetence, was to blame for long beer lines, the Chicago Sun-Times said Friday. Beer, like any liquid, accelerates as it leaves the tap.
See, those drunken frat parties did pay off
After several years of R&D -- ''research and drinking'' -- Younkle decided to create a nozzle that slowed the descent of the beer and reduced the force of its impact.
This one's for you, Matt!

Posted by: Steve 2005-07-15