
Indian government wants Airbus order reviewed
NEW DELHI, July 15 (AFP) - India's government wants a planned USD 2.2 billion deal for the purchase of 43 passenger aircraft with European plane maker Airbus for state-run domestic carrier Indian Airlines re-examined, the aviation minister said Friday. Heh heh
The Indian Airlines board has already cleared the acquisition of 20 Airbus A-319s, 19 A-321s and four A-320s but the finance ministry is not satisfied the price is the best possible and has blocked the deal.
Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel now wants a committee of experts to be appointed by India's prime minister to re-examine the issue.
Maybe Airbus throwing a hissy fit when one of the Indian airlines bought Boeing is going to come back to bite them
"I will write to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh after he comes back from the United States and then he may appoint a committee," Patel told AFP. The minister said the effort is to ensure "absolute transparency" in the negotiation of prices. Singh is slated to visit the United States from July 18 to 20.
I hear Washington State is beautiful this time of year

Posted by: Steve 2005-07-15