
No4 killer was Jamaican
THE mystery fourth London suicide bomber was yesterday unmasked as a fanatical Jamaican Muslim. Convert Germaine Lindsay blew himself to bits at King’s Cross, killing at least 25 Tube travellers. Police yesterday confirmed his identity through DNA records — and released CCTV stills of the 18-year-old accomplice who blew up the No30 bus.

Lindsay, in his 30s, is thought to have rented out the Leeds house the gang used as a bomb factory. Three weeks earlier he had been living with his white English partner Samantha Lewthwaite and their one-year-old son Abdulla in a terraced house in Aylesbury, Bucks — raided by cops on Wednesday night.

Last night Lewthwaite, always seen in Muslim dress, was helping police inquiries at a secret location. The family of the 22-year-old student were in shock last night on learning that she was involved with the fourth suicide bomber. Cousin Tony Lewthwaite said he had not heard from Samantha since she converted to Islam 18 months ago. He added: “She had a happy childhood and a good upbringing. She showed no inclination to convert to Islam until she did it. It was a bolt from the blue. She studied religious education at school in Aylesbury but that was the only thing she ever had to do with religion.” None of the rest of the Lewthwaite family had ever met Lindsay and knew virtually nothing about him.

Yesterday forensic police officers searched the house and garden of the couple’s £110,000 Aylesbury house. Washing was still on the line and a child’s toy police car could be seen. The family are believed to have rented the house for around three months.

Stocky 5ft 8in Lindsay converted to Islam several years ago and is thought to have been a regular at Brixton Mosque, where shoe bomber Richard Reid and 9/11 plotter Zacharias Moussaoui attended study circles. Reid, 29, from South London, turned to Islam in prison and tried to blow up a flight from Paris to Miami in December 2001. He was a disciple of self-styled Sheikh Abdullah el-Faisal — another Jamaican, convicted of soliciting murder in February2003 after urging followers to kill non-Muslims.
Nope. No red flags at all.
Police also released an image of Hasib Hussain, caught by CCTV with a large rucksack on his way to blow up the No30 bus in Tavistock Square. Officers believe he originally planned to detonate his device on a Northern Line train, but changed his target because the service was not working. Instead he set off his bomb 57 minutes after the three others. Yesterday it emerged Hussain and fellow suicide bomber Shehzad Tanweer, 22, went to the same Leeds college. Hussain studied business and Tanweer health and fitness.

All four bombers are thought to have been briefed at the Leeds house and had their devices primed by a foreign al-Qaeda mastermind who has now fled the country. They drove from West Yorkshire to Luton, then caught a 7.20am Thameslink train into the capital.

Yesterday Scotland Yard appealed for information from anyone who may have seen Hussain between the time he arrived at King’s Cross and when the bus exploded. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter Clarke said: “We need to establish his movements between 8.26am and 9.47am. Did you see this man at King’s Cross? Was he alone or with others? Do you know the route he took from the station? Did you see him get on to a No30 bus? And if you did, where and when was that? “We are also keen to speak with everyone who was on that No30 bus who may not yet have contacted us. We estimate there were 80 people on the bus when it was blown up.”

ANYONE with information should call the Anti-Terrorist Hotline: 0800 789321.
Posted by: ed 2005-07-15