
Iraqi Insurgents Killed About 55 US Soldiers on Monday
From Jihad Unspun
In a dispatch posted at 3:55pm Mecca time Monday (July 18) afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier a martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-laden car into a US armored column .... into a column of six US armored vehicles and two Humvees, catching the Americans by surprise and blowing up despite their last minute gunfire sprayed in his direction. The blast totally destroyed one American armored vehicle, reportedly killing or wounding all the members of its six-man crew. ....

... two martyrdom fighters drove two explosives-packed cars into a column of eight Humvees and four US armored vehicles on the main road in the western Iraqi city of Rawah in a simultaneous two-pronged attack. ... the two martyrdom attackers were able to break into the US column at nearly the same moment, setting four Humvees on fire and reportedly killing or wounding 20 American troops. ....

A bomb exploded by a US military column on the main road linking al-Khalidiyah with al-Habbaniyah, west of Baghdad .... a bomb that was planted by the side of the road blew up as a column of six US armored vehicles and two Humvees was passing by. The blast set one American armored vehicle on fire, reportedly killing or wounding all aboard. ....

... an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol in the as-Saqlawiyah area north of Fallujah ... a bomb that was planted by the side of the highway .... The blast set one US Humvee on fire, reportedly killing one American soldier and wounding three more. Also killed in the attack was one Iraqi puppet soldier. ....

... a bomb planted by the side of the as-Sadd Road exploded as a joint patrol passed by, severely damaging one American Humvee and killing one US soldier and wounding a second, in addition to killing two Iraqi puppet troops. ....

... about 10 Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons, including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades and BKC machine guns, attacked a joint US-puppet patrol sparking a firefight that lasted about 10 minutes. In the course of their attack, the Resistance fighters set one American Humvee and one pickup belonging to the Iraqi puppet forces ablaze. Three US soldiers and five Iraqi puppet troops were killed and three other Americans were wounded. ... the Resistance fighters withdrew from the scene of the attack having suffered no casualties. ....

.... a car bomb exploded by a passing US patrol of five Humvees in the middle of Abu Ghurayb. .... the car bomb, which had been parked by the side of the road, blew up, destroying two Humvees and reportedly killing six US troops and wounding three more.

A bomb exploded by a column of US armored vehicles on the road leading to the city of al-Musayyib, south of Baghdad, .... a bomb that was planted by the side of the road exploded when a column of four US armored vehicles and three Humvees passed by on its way to al-Musayyib. They said that the blast destroyed one of the armored vehicles, reportedly killing four US troops and wounding two more. ....

An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-laden car into a US military column in al-Latifiyah south of Baghdad .... a martyrdom fighter drove an explosive Opel car into a US tank column on the highway .... The blast completely destroyed a Humvee, reportedly killing three US troops and severely wounding two more.

A car bomb exploded near a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol in the ad-Durah area south of Tirkit ..... an explosives-packed car that was parked by the side of a road exploded as a joint patrol of four US Humvees and three pickups owned by the Iraqi puppet forces was passing by. The blast destroyed two American Humvees, reportedly killing five US troops and wounding three more. Two Iraqi puppet soldiers were also said to have died in the bomb attack.

A large roadside bomb exploded by a US patrol of two American troop transport vehicles and four Humvees in the middle of ad-Dulu‘iyah, north of Baghdad .... a massive bomb that was planted by the side of the main road in the city blew up in a very violent explosion, completely destroying one US personnel carrier and reportedly killing five US troops and seriously wounding three others.

Iraqi Resistance forces fired four heavy 120mm mortar rounds into the Shahraban puppet police station in the Ba‘qubah area northeast of Baghdad .... during a meeting between US military officers and puppet police officials in the building. ... four mortar rounds scored direct hits on the building, reportedly killing two US troops and wounding six more. Four puppet policemen were killed, one of them a captain.

... Iraqi Resistance forces had shot down a US Black Hawk helicopter at the northern edge of Tall ‘Afar in northern Iraq. .... the Resistance fired a shoulder-launched Strela surface-to-air missile at the US helicopteras it was on a mission protecting columns of US forces on the main road north of Tall ‘Afar. The rocket scored a direct hit on the helicopter and it was seen crashing some 3km north of Tall ‘Afar. ... the two-man crew of the aircraft was killed when the helicopter crashed to earth and exploded. ....
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2005-07-19