
Israel kills Jihad activists in West Bank
TEL AVIV, Israel, July 19 (UPI) -- Israeli army troops Tuesday killed two leading members of Islamic Jihad in a clash in the West Bank, Israeli military sources said. The clash occurred in the village of Yammoun near Jenin in the West Bank as the Israeli force conducted "military activities" in the area, the sources said. They said the Israeli troops encircled the house in which the two Jihad activists were staying.
"Come on out, boys. We've got youse surrounded!"
"You'll never take us alive, infidel!'
When the two failed to respond to calls for them to come out unarmed, the Israelis started to bulldoze the house, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported. The militants then stormed out of the house, shooting in all directions, and were gunned down by police.
"What the hell were they yelling, Ari?"
"I don't know, something about Butch and Sundance"

Israel has carried out a series of raids in the West Bank since an Islamic Jihad suicide bomber killed five Israelis
Posted by: Steve 2005-07-19