
Guardian Seethes, Whines
Short version: Guardian lets Muslim trainee write an editorial on the July 7 London bombings. Blogger discovers trainee is member of radical Islamist organization. The Independent picks up the story. Trainee eventually fired. Guardian publishes strange sour grapes editorial:
Rightwing bloggers from the US, where the Guardian has a large online following, were behind the targeting last week of a trainee Guardian journalist who wrote a comment piece which they did not care for about the London bombings. The story is a demonstration of the way the 'blogosphere' can be used to mount obsessively personalised attacks at high speed.

Scott Burgess, a blogger from New Orleans who recently moved to London, spends his time indoors posting repeated attacks on the Guardian...He pitched into Mr [Dilpazier] Aslam, who as it happened, beat him to the traineeship on the Guardian.
There's much, much more, far more petulant than that. Burgess applied to the Guardian traineeship as a joke, figuring [correctly] that his political views were unlikely to get him a slot. I'll send you to Biased BBC, which has a link-filled round-up of the matter. Who's got the sour grapes graphic?
Posted by: Angie Schultz 2005-07-23