
MMA holds some rallies
From the Dept. of Give Me That Old Tyme Religion:
Hundreds of infuriated enthusiats of Muttahidda Majlis-e-Amal (MMA), who were armed with wooden sticks have marched on the main road of federal capital after the congregation of Friday prayer to observe countrywide protest against the high-handedness of law enforcement agencies and raid against the madaris.
The protestors who were carrying banners and placards also stormed the patroling contingent of police and paraded where they found in their way to Aabpara. Interestingly, the patrolling police which always remained with the protesting men of MMA in all thier protests vanished when some of baton-armed men of MMA rushed towards them for attack.
"Look out, Chaudry! They're gonna charge!"
"Feets, don't fail us now!"
They came out from the famous Lal mosque and marched to camp office of Rawalpindi-Islamabad Press club and then marched straight toward Aabpara. They were chanting slogans and holding placards inscribed with, “Sheikh Osama Zinda bad”, “War to go on till the destruction of US” and “Friend of Musharraf, Blair and Bush is a traitor”
"Burma Shave."
When they reached at Aabpara, they also smashed street powers and stormed the traffic police office there. Staffers on duty escaped when they anticipated that the protestors were angry.
"Mahmoud, I anticipate that the protestors are angry!"
"Feets, don't fail us now. MMA's on the march!"
The protestors continued their march and took turn from nearby turn and again gathered at Aabpara where local leader of MMA, Mian Aslam, Shah Abdul Aziz and many others address the gathering.
"Yarrrrr! Death to [fill in name here]!"
During the address, two sergeants on motorbikes came there to inspect the situation but the angery mob rushed toward them but they escaped leaving a motorbicycle behind.
"Keep the bike! I'm outta here!"
The angery mob burnt the bike and no firemen crew reached the spot to control the fire and it also damaged the nearby standing cars as well. All the shops and markets of Aabpara remained closed and traffic remained suspended between 1’o clock to 3:30. Later, the protestors peacefully dispersed.
"Today's pep rally is finished! Time to peacefully disperse!"
"Do we hafta do it peacefully?"

Lahore Bureau adds: On the appeal of MMA, countrywide protest day was observed on Friday to condemn police crackdown on Madaris and arrests of Ulema and students. Large protests were held after Friday prayers all over the country including Karachi (Binori Mosque), Islamabad (Aabpara), Lahore (Mansoora), Quetta, Multan, Faisalabad and Hyderabad. Addressing the workers in the demonstrations MMA leaders condemned Musharraf government for unleashing a US dictated crackdown against Madaris, mosques and religious leaders and termed it an attack on Islam.
"Dat's right! Any attempt to control our violent instincts is an attack on Islam!"
The MMA leaders demanded immediate resignation of President Musharraf and said he has appointed murderers as Governor in Sindh while giving free hands to terrorists and extortionists, but he is curbing Madaris to collect donations.
Imams don't like it when you get between them and their zakat.
They said linking the alleged terrorists’ attacks on US and UK with Islam is a heinous and well-orchestrated conspiracy to provide justification for crushing Muslims. They said the attacks are condemnable but their cause is the anti-Muslim policies of US-led alliance against so-called terrorism.
"It was Zionists. Ask anyone."
In Lahore, a large demonstration was held outside Mansoora, which was led by MMA deputy secretary general, and Jamat-e-Islami Punjab Ameer Liaqat Baloch.
Liaqat's been pretty busy since he made bail and Qazi had his heart attack...
Addressing the protestors, he said the British investigators failed to trace the culprits like those of the US. He said they immediately termed the alleged bombers as Pakistanis and linked them with Deeni Madaris without giving any proof, which showed that they acted upon mere emotions and not according to the facts.
"Just because three out of four were Pakistanis don't mean they wuz all Pakistanis! An' just because most 'em stopped by madaris don't mean the madaris had anything to do with it! An' just because four out of four of 'em wuz Moose limbs don't mean they wuz all Moose limbs..."
He said president Musharraf and other high government officials including Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain have visited large number of seminaries in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and other parts of the country and praised their commendable role in promoting knowledge and high moral values. But it is strange that they did not think for a second while joining the voice of Tony Blair for launching a crackdown on Madaris.
That might be because Tony threatened to turn Karachi into fine-grain rubble..
He said if US and UK would destroy Muslim countries and desecrate Holy Quran than Muslims have all the rights to react and demonstrate against the perpetrators.
He said that secular elements acting as coterie of General Musharraf are advising him to force the nation to give up its values and culture which is highly condemnable.
Member National Assembly Maulana Abdul Malik termed the police raid on Jamia Hafsa a display of state terrorism and said by suspending police officers government had admitted the fact. He said not it is moral obligation of the rulers to step down. Secretary-General Jamat-e-Islami Lahore Amirul Azim said nation would not allow Gen Musharraf to succeed in his conspiracies aimed at lengthening his rule by crushing MMA and Jamat-e-Islami. He said those talking about holding OIC summit in Holy Kaaba are averse to implement Allah’s rule in Pakistan, which exposes their hypocrisy.
Delivering Friday sermon at Mansoora Mosque, Jamat-e-Islami secretary General Syed Munawar Hasan said that MMA is exposing the secular agenda of the rulers so that people could know the reality behind the crackdown on Madaris and religious parties. He said the police raid on a girls’ seminary Jamia Hafsa and torture on innocent girls, which several wounded, was the real face of rulers’ extremism against Islam and state terrorism. He said by refraining from condemning it during his televised speech to the nation Gen Musharraf proved that this raid and torture was carried out upon his orders and suspension of few police officials was meant to hoodwink the people.
He said the rulers known for breaking promise should remember that people are also not bound to keep their deadlines. He however said that MMA was not against registration of Madaris. He said implication of Pakistanis and Islam in London blasts is an attempt to cover up the real crimes of the west. He said the alleged bombers educated in British schools and not at Pakistani Madaris, asking why British government not raiding those colleges and schools where they got their education.

Posted by: Seafarious 2005-07-24