
Iraqi envoy claims US trapped in his country
Iraq's Ambassador to Pakistan Khadim Abdul Hameed al-Rawi has claimed that the invading US forces have been trapped in Iraq and will face humiliation. In an interview with the Islamabad-based daily `Khabrain,' Rawi said that the Iraqi forces and people would fight to the very end to defend their motherland and inflict maximum damage to the invaders. He said that although the invaders hardly faced any problem passing through the desert, the US-led forces were confronted with stiff resistance from the Iraqi forces and civilians in cities and towns. "The invading forces tried to pass through Najaf and had to face heavy losses and now they are trying to cross Nasiriya," he pointed out. Lacking courage, he noted, the enemy mainly relied on aerial bombardments instead of making advances through land. Rawi claimed that at present Baghdad was in no danger. To a question, the envoy made it clear that the government was trying desperately to protect holy shrines, saying the allied forces had not spared these shrines and were causing damage to some.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-04