
Khatami criticises dissident's hunger strike
Iran's outgoing reformist President Mohammad Khatami criticised the "obstinacy" of dissident jailed journalist Akbar Ganji in continuing a one-and-a-half month hunger strike.
"You are humiliating me. And you won't like me when I'm humiliated."
"We are truly awaiting for Mr Ganji to stop his hunger strike and put himself forward to the judicial authorities so that he can use his prerogatives but he has refused to halt his hunger strike," Khatami told reporters, according to AFP. "If you want to solve a problem without fuss everyone needs to act with tolerance and restraint and if every party shows obstinacy then that will only complicate things. I think that even in the case where someone's rights are trampled on, it is necessary to act with restraint to achieve a right that is more significant. I hope that this problem can be solved by being reasonable."
Posted by: Seafarious 2005-07-28