
Al-Qaeda manual sheds light on terror strategy
Al-Qaeda terrorists have a handbook on how to act and how to blend in with the community. But not all terrorists are imported from other countries. Some, like the London bombers were what is called “home grown”.

London police continued to make progress in their investigation this morning, arresting a man suspected of being one of the four bombers in the July 21st failed attacks. Nine people are now in custody in connection with that incident.

Officials are now looking for possible connections between the men they are still searching for and the bombers who died in the July 7th attack. And what they are finding so far is surprising.

Today the London police continued the manhunt for the suspects responsible for the July 21st attempted bombings. And are so far refusing to call the men who died in the July 7th terror attacks suicide bombers.

But it may be possible that the bombers had been duped. Officials say the men, thought to be home grown terrorists, may not have known they were committing suicide.

Speculation comes from an Al-Qaeda manual found in England in 2000 during an investigation into the bombings of two American embassies in East Africa. The manual states that terrorists have permission to dress in western wear and have clear instructions on how to behave and how to avoid calling attention to themselves by blending in with the community. The manual also says cells who carry out the attacks should not know each other, should not be told about the mission or even told if they will die in the attacks.

So who are the terrorists and how can law enforcement agents spot them? Issac Yeffet, a former Israeli intelligence officer believes the government needs to rethink its strategy.

“We need a profiling system. When you know that you have fanatics, when you know you have people that are supporting the terrorists, why do you allow them to continue living in your country and you don’t bring them to justice or deport them,” he said.

But what profile would include terrorists like shoe bomber Richard Reed, and American Taliban John Walker Lindh and Timothy McVeigh, who blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City? Terrorism expert Joe King says it will take more than profiling to weed out converts, sympathizers or malcontents.

“Intelligence is the way to do it.”

Law enforcement sources say intelligence gathering and sharing between federal, state and local agencies has improved since 9/11. Still, security experts say finding terrorists requires intelligence from the public.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-07-28