
Helen Thomas threatens sewerside
Veteran wire reporter Helen Thomas is vowing to 'kill herself' if Dick Cheney announces he is running for president.
Go ahead, Helen. Make my day!!! Yo, HT? Can you invite Al Franken, Molley Ivans, and Maureen Dowd?

The newspaper HILL first reported the startling claim on Thursday.

"The day Dick Cheney is going to run for president, I'll kill myself," she told the HILL. "All we need is one more liar."
Please, VPOTUS!!! Run for President. You can withdraw tomorrow!!

Thomas added, "I think he'd like to run, but it would be a sad day for the country if he does."

Is the looney left as looney as they seem? How many conservatives threatened suicde, or to leave the country when the Clinton-Gore braintrust were on the bridge. We ranted...we raved. She talks about liars...how many lies did Billy-boy tell? Who really believed that idiot Gore when he said he was responsible for the internet...when it was born in a DARPA project when he was still in college?
Posted by: Spomoper Shase2641 2005-07-28