
Martin praises Muslim stand against extremism
These meetings are all the rage recently:
Prime Minister Paul Martin has praised Canada's Muslim leaders for taking a strong stand against violence and extremism. Martin met with 19 imams at a downtown Toronto hotel on Thursday night. The Prime Minister said they discussed the strong condemnation of global violence, which the imams had made in a statement issued a week ago.

In that statement, the imams said they were "united" in their efforts to confront religious extremism. On Thursday, the Prime Minister said it would have been a mistake not to recognize the importance of what they did.
Except that they didn't say much...
"It is very important that the government respond, to show the importance of that statement and that we recognize the truth of their statement so we can build on that statement," Martin said. Martin also said he hopes the meeting will lead to more dialogue in the Muslim community about global violence and extremism. "We want to work on this together," he said.

On July 21, a day after four failed bombings on the London transit system, 120 imams and other Muslim leaders from across the country gathered in Toronto and released a statement. "Terrorism has been increasing and it is our religious duty to confront this evil," Ahmad Kutty, a Toronto imam, said. "We must do so unitedly, as imams and religious leaders," he said.
So when's the next anti-American protest, imam?
Posted by: Rafael 2005-08-01