
Yemen seizes al-Qaeda suspect
The Yemeni authorities have arrested a man suspected by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation of being a member of the al-Qaeda network. Fawaz Yahya al-Rabeei - a Yemeni national thought to have been born to Yemeni parents in Saudi Arabia - was one of several men named in an alert by the FBI last year over attacks al-Qaeda were suspected of planning against US interests in Yemen. He and at least one other man were arrested last month in a large-scale search operation backed by helicopters in the northern province of Marib, 160 kilometres (100 miles) north-east of the capital Sanaa, government and police sources said. Another man arrested is suspected of involvement in a November attack on a helicopter belonging to US company Hunt Oil shortly after it took off from Sanaa airport, in which one US man was slightly injured. The FBI had issued an alert on Mr al-Rabeei based on intelligence gathered from al-Qaeda operatives and members of Afghanistan's former Taleban Government currently in US detention in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
It's good that they keep rounding them up even when attention is focused elsewhere
Posted by: Paul Moloney 2003-04-06