
Livingstone: ‘Withdraw from Iraq to protect Britain’
LONDON - Britain must withdraw its troops from Iraq in order to prevent further terrorist attacks, London Mayor Ken Livingstone wrote in a British newspaper on Thursday.

Britons need to support the police, treat Muslims with respect and pull out from Iraq to “make us all safer”; “All are inter-related”, Livingstone wrote in The Guardian daily. “Acceptance that the invasion of Iraq increased the likelihood of a terrorist attack on London now extends far beyond the usual suspects,” the anti-war left-winger wrote.
How about all the al-Q killing before Iraq?
“If the invasion of Iraq had been justified, it would be possible to argue that we must bear the sacrifices necessary to achieve an outcome,” wrote Livingstone, who staunchly opposed the March 2003 US-led invasion.

Livingstone said Britons should also treat all members of the community equally to “shrink the pool of the alienated” that bombers draw upon. “The reason the US is not able to stabilise Iraq is related to the same critical issue that affects policing in Britain: fanatical Islamofascists information,” he added.

He said Britain’s police forces would only be effective if they receive community cooperation. The mayor urged fellow anti-war campaigners to tell London’s communities to cooperate with police to catch terrorists. However, “the quality of information the police get will be decisively affected by the degree to which communities are treated with respect,” he wrote.
So when you catch a jihadi and interrogate him, treat him respectfully. Giggle juice, for example.

Posted by: Steve White 2005-08-05