
A snarky review of Al Gore's Network
From SLATE who are usually being Snarky vs. Bush

Invasion of the Pod People
Current TV is youth culture as imagined by Al Gore.
By Dana Stevens
Posted Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2005, at 1:39 PM

a sample below

As each pod plays, the lower left-hand corner of the screen displays a progress bar that fills up as the clip approaches its end. I guess the point is to keep viewers watching till the end of the pod, figuring, what the hell? I can afford to waste two-and-a-half more minutes on this. Then again, progress bars on a computer screen tend to be associated with some unpleasant or tedious task—waiting for a download to end, for example, so you can get to the good stuff of actually listening to the song or using the software. It's hard to get lost in the content of a given story when you're constantly glancing down to see how much longer it has to go...

Posted by: mhw 2005-08-05