
Iraqi Guard Fails to Regroup in Baghdad
posted by al-Guardian at 6:50 am GMT.
The vaunted Iraqi Republican Guards have abandoned their tanks, guns and even their uniforms as they flee U.S. troops, failing to regroup in Baghdad and mount an organized resistance against coalition forces ringing the city, military officials say.
"Run away! Run away!"

While the threat of guerrilla-style attacks remains, U.S. soldiers have been destroying weapons, ammunition and vehicles left behind by the Iraqi troops who have ``melted away,'' the officials said. They said they do not expect to face a unified force in Baghdad's streets now that they have isolated the capital. In an indication of the apparent disarray among the elite fighters, someone claiming to be Saddam Hussein called on troops separated from their own fighting units to join any other similar unit to fend off the Americans, according to statements read Sunday on Iraqi TV and radio.

U.S. military officials point to other evidence: the bold show-of-force rumble by the 3rd Infantry Division through the southern part of Baghdad on Saturday. While several hundred Iraqis fired on the U.S. convoy along the way, no one was organized enough to mount a roadblock that would have stopped the Americans cold. ``All you have to do is put a barricade on the road to stop them,'' one senior military official said Sunday. ``What that shows you is they have no organized resistance.''

The Iraqis have not been without some coordinated successes. On Sunday, Iraqi troops stumped the advance of the 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines into the outskirts of Baghdad by blowing up one bridge and disabling another nearby.
They finally blew a bridge?

But on the whole, U.S. troops near Baghdad say they have been amazed that they are not finding heavy resistance in towns where Baath Party members, Fedayeen paramilitaries and Republican Guard units were expected.
Posted by: Steve White 2003-04-07