
Election Win in 2006 Key to Bush Impeachment Proceedings
EFL HT to: Moonbat Central

ITHACA - Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-22) attacked the Bush administration on Saturday, accusing it of trying to scare people within the government and among the population at large in order to garner support for the war in Iraq.
Population at large is a fact without corroboration. it is therefore not a fact and worthless as an element in news.
“The administration had, I think, a clear understanding that they could not sustain themselves, and would not be elected for a second term, based on their domestic actions and activities,” Hinchey said in a public forum held at Ithaca Town Hall on Tioga Street. Approximately 60 people attended the forum.
That's pretty funny, Maury, considering the left came at Bush hard about the war to the exclusion of all other issues in 2004.
“You can't do all of (those actions) and get re-elected,” Hinchey said. “The only way that you can do all that and get reelected is hiding behind the smokescreen of war.”
Which the left viciously attacked starting a full year earlier.
Drawing applause several times, Hinchey outlined his case that the Bush administration manipulated parts of the government, including the Central Intelligence Agency, to help justify the war in Iraq.
We've been over this. There was no manipulation of information.
He added that Congress has not done its job in checking the White House.
Which means the good folks at Ithica should consider a conservative candidate for 2006.
“The Congress of the United States should be doing a big investigation of what went on there and what did not go on there, and the motivation behind it. This Congress is not fulfilling its responsibility. This is a very bad Congress,” he said.
Replace bad with republican congress.
After his speech, which lasted just over half an hour, Hinchey opened the floor to questions from the audience. He was asked what he felt was the greatest hope for the future.
This is the news in this story. A campaign by winning the house in 2006, in order to impeach Bush. Hate Bush didn't win anything in 2004, what makes them think it will be better in 2006?
“My greatest hope is that all of these things will be revealed, they will be revealed in a very direct and legal context, and that in 2006 a Democratic majority will be elected to the House of Representatives, and in February of 2006 impeachment proceedings will begin.”

The applause lasted almost half a minute.
The writer was really happy about that part.
Hinchey underscored his belief that the government is employing scare tactics by offering an explanation as to why they would do so.

“From the most primitive tribal society to the most developed, largest, sophisticated societies, such as ours and others, there have only been two ways to govern. One is by consent, the other is by fear. And if you can't govern by consent, you create fear. That's what this administration has done. They could never govern by consent,” he said.
> Did I miss something? Three elections in a row? And that's not governing by consent? This argument implies we really aren't at war; that the war we are in is because of Bush's perfidy and the solution is a leftist congress.
Central to Hinchey's argument were the Downing Street memos - documents leaked from the British government - and allegations that Bush's senior advisor Karl Rove illegally leaked the name of CIA operative Valerie Plame, wife of former U.N. ambassador Joseph Wilson IV.

Hinchey said the Downing Street memos, the most famous of which is a recording of the minutes of a meeting within the British government on July 23, 2002, indicate that the Bush administration had already determined to declare war on Iraq and If that is what the memoes show then it was about goddam time we removed Saddam
“They revealed how the Bush administration was trying to make arguments to justify the war in Iraq, going back even into late 2001 and early into 2002; how they were straining to create some form of relationship between Iraq and the attacks of Sept. 11, but unable to do so - the memos say essentially that,” Hinchey said.
The Iraq war has long since been vindicated by subsequent events such as the active support by Iranian and the presence of Al Qaeda. Guess the writer didn't get the memo.
Building up his argument that the administration was predetermined to justify its actions in Iraq, Hinchey speculated as to the motivation behind the leak of Plame's name, which was reported in a July 14, 2003 column by Robert Novak.

Although U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald is leading an investigation into who leaked her name and why, it is widely speculated that Rove was the source. On Saturday, Hinchey summarized one of the theories explaining the motivation behind the leak.
You can tell this writer did really well in rhetoric class, a very, very popular class taught in all the best iniversities. "Widely speculated" is a fact without corroboration,, a delicious piece of propaganda for mass consumption. Were I the editor of this rag I would have sent this reporter packing within minutes of filing this story, for even thinking of using this dishonest rhetoric.
Posted by: badanov 2005-08-07