
Mauritanian PM hands in resignation to coup leaders
NOUAKCHOTT - Mauritanian Prime Minister Sghair Ould M’Bareck, who had remained in post after a military coup in the northwest African state, on Sunday handed in his ceremonial sash, parking pass, executive washroom keys and resignation as well as that of his government, sources close to the presidency said.
Seeing as he wasn't needed any more ...
Ould M’Bareck announced his resignation following a meeting with Colonel Ely Ould Mohamed Vall, the head of the ruling Military Council for Justice and Democracy that was set up after last Wednesday’s coup.
"I'll go quietly. Don't shoot!"
The new regime has promised to hold a referendum on a revised constitution within a year, followed by presidential and parliamentary elections that should take place within two years at the most. Following the announcement, Vall immediately summoned Sidy Mohamed Ould Boubacar, a leader of the former ruling Social Democratic Republican Party (PRDS), the sources said. Boubacar, who served as prime minister under ousted President Maaouiya Ould Taya, and later as ambassador to France, is widely tipped to head the transitional government that is to be set up to see the country through to new elections. Under a constitutional charter adopted by the Military Council on Saturday, the Council head exercises executive power and nominates the prime minister and members of the transitional government.
"We'll nominate you to be PM, but we're keeping the parking card for ourselves."

Posted by: Steve White 2005-08-08