
Religious ministry wants changes in Blasphemy Law
M R Klasra
The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Minorities wants serious action taken to ensure changes in the existing blasphemy laws in light of revelations that in the last ten years, 73 percent cases registered under the Blasphemy Law are against Muslims while only 27 percent are against Christians, Ahmedis and Hindus.

The ministry now claims that the law has been used by the Muslims against the Muslims to settle personal scores. The religious ministry informed the Senate Standing Committee on Minorities about the need for changes in the Blasphemy Law through a report submitted to the senate on August 4, 2005. An official told TFT that MMA leader and senate committee chairman, Maulana Samiul Haq, was not privy to the fact that the religious ministry which has itself rabidly supported the Blasphemy Law over the years would now raise objections against it. “The Chairman was caught off-guard,” said the official. “No one expected that the ministry would request the Senate to make changes in the existing laws to accommodate the concerns of the minorities.”

In its report to the senate, the religious ministry reveals that 73 percent cases filed under existing blasphemy laws are against Muslims, 12 percent against Ahmadis, 12 percent against Christians and 3 percent against Hindus. The report also reads that because of the abuse of the Blasphemy Law, the image of Pakistan and its people has been substantially tarnished. The religious affairs ministry has even referred to reports of the USA State Department criticising Pakistan for discriminating against its minorities.

After the submission of the report, the senate committee asked the religious ministry to give a comprehensive briefing about the problems of minorities. In response, the Minorities Affairs Division submitted a report saying the main problems being faced by the minorities were caused by the abuse of blasphemy laws. “While the senators took note of the cases of abuse, none of them was in favour of changes in existing laws,” said a source privy to the meeting.

The report of the Minorities Affairs Division, a copy of which is with TFT, traces the complaints against existing blasphemy laws since the enactment of the laws in 1992. According to the report, religious laws have been used to harass minorities and poor Muslims for non-religious reasons also. Some of the main problems highlighted in the report are as follows: a) Islamic laws such as the Hudood ordinance and blasphemy laws are binding not only on Muslims but on minorities as well, causing serious problems for them; b) blasphemy laws are being applied prejudicially and should be revised in accordance with Islamic principles of social justice; c) blasphemy laws can be manipulated and used against an individual because of personal grudges and enmity, as is seen in several cases where blasphemy laws were used as a tool to settle personal vendettas; and d) besides religious minorities, Muslims belonging to the lower classes have been exploited and have had to suffer due to the ‘mala fide application’ of the criminal procedure code by the police. Elaborating on the third and fourth parts, the report states that after analysing several blasphemy cases, it has been noted that powerful individuals and groups, with the conveyance of the local police, have often used blasphemy laws to settle disputes and get back at enemies.

The report says that such cases of abuse exist due to the misuse of power by influential classes and corrupt state authorities who collaborate with them to exploit weaker sections of society. “It is not just minorities but more particularly weaker, poor Muslims who are bearing the brunt of the Blasphemy Law,” reads the report. “In fact, in a majority of blasphemy cases under trial during 2004, both the accused and the complainants are Muslims.”

Moving on to its demand for a change in existing laws, the ministry reports states that Pakistan must begin to care about its image in the international arena. “Even the European union has now issued a demarche to the government of Pakistan, blaming it for its prejudices against minorities,” says the report.

While the rationale behind the promulgation of the Blasphemy Law was to ensure reverence for religious beliefs and secure against crises that may emerge if blasphemy were allowed to prevail, the Law has actually been used to harass and abuse minorities as well as the poor. Hence, the religious ministry now feels that its time to ‘tone down’ blasphemy laws. “It would not be practical to repeal existing laws but ways must be found to modify the law,” said the report. “Recommendation of the Islamic Ideology Council regarding punishment for false reporting of blasphemy is strongly recommended.”

Observers feel that getting the Blasphemy Law changed will not be an easy victory. “Considering the presence of the MMA in the parliament especially with the next general elections scheduled to be held in one and half years, changing the Blasphemy Law will be not be easy,” said one analyst. “However, just the fact that officials in the religious ministry have woken up to the fact that changes in existing blasphemy laws are essential, is an encouraging start.”
Posted by: Fred 2005-08-13