
Iran rejects IAEA resolution, says decision irreversible
Expediency Council Chairman Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said on Friday that Iran's decision to resume uranium conversion is "irreversible" Iran resumed work at Isfahan Uranium Conversion Facility (UCF) on Monday. In a sermon at Friday prayers in Tehran, Rafsanjani called the resolution on Iran recently approved by the UN nuclear watchdog “unfair”. Foreign Ministry also rejected the resolution on Iran on Thursday, saying it was "politically motivated" and passed under pressure from the United States and its allies.

In a resolution issued on Thursday, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors asked Iran to resume its suspension of all nuclear fuel related activities and asked the agency to verify Tehran’s compliance. The resolution was initially drafted by Europeans and supported by U.S. and its allies. “We advise Western countries not to deal with industry and science in this manner, since they can never rob the Iranian nation of this great right,” said Rafsanjani. "Do not take lightly what happened at the IAEA," he warned.

"It is very important and will create new conditions for our country and the region. It will turn a new leaf in the history of our revolution. The 35 nations of the IAEA Board, some supporting Iran, spent two days conferring, but finally what the three European countries (Britain, Germany, and France) and the United States wanted was approved and no one objected,” Rafsanjani pointed out. “The IAEA Charter clearly says that Iran has the right to make peaceful use of nuclear energy, and we are currently preparing to enrich the uranium that exists deep in our lands in order to use its energy for scientific purposes.”

Iran accepted supervision even before approving the additional protocol to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, he noted. “So far, Iran’s cooperation with the IAEA has been beyond what is required. We even halted our activities to win confidence, but we never thought they would declare that Iran should suspend all its nuclear activities.” The major powers think they have succeeded in suppressing Iran, Rafsanjani said, adding, “Israel and the United States even talked about attacking the country. But they are mistaken, for they should bear in mind that they cannot treat Iran like Iraq or Libya. The Westerners can drag things out, but Iran's decision is irreversible.”
Posted by: Fred 2005-08-13